Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Personal Development Journal

For this learning journal I will be reflecting back on my entire course. I will be using what I have learned about my own learning styles, how they affect my teaching styles; and how I can use the knowledge I have gained in the course with my future students.

Strength- I have been able to study more in-depth the other learning styles. I now feel more confident in presenting class information, using a plethora of learning styles so that all individuals will receive the information equally. I also now understand more about my individual learning style. As a visual learner I can now adjust the way I absorb information throughout the remainder of my adult education, which will help me increase the effectiveness and speed in which I retain information.

Improvement-I look forward to improving on my ability to transfer information to a presentable state in which all learners can understand. Furthermore, I will work on being able to explain or display information to pertain to different learning styles without breaking stride during my lessons.

Insight- I realize now why I have always needed to sit at the front of a class and why I have always needed the hands-on experience. Being a visual learner I have the tendency to become frustrated when I am unable to gain the benefit of visual stimuli. This class has also helped me explain to my husband why ink cartridges and paper are always on our grocery list! I will now be able to keep myself stress free by printing off instructions so that I will have a visual aid and not get annoyed because I am trying to read everything off the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer, from one "soapbox" to another...I think you are on the right track when you concentrate on transferring the information successfully! I think that when the instructions or demonstrations are given where all learners understand the process---it presents a more even learning field. I can be a visual, auditory, or tactile learner, as long as the information tells me (in no uncertain terms) How to do it! Show me how, by observing-tell me how, step by step, or walk me through the steps physically!
